Precision Analysis, Inc. is an Environmental Consulting firm and an Asbestos Analysis Laboratory. We provide quick turnaround for sample analysis and also quick delivery of hard copy reports. This is an important factor to new clients to our lab. Precision Analysis, Inc. has been in business since 1991 and is continuing to grow. Precision Analysis, Inc. offers quality analysis, fast service, and above all, affordable prices to our clients.
The following is a list of Precision Analysis, Inc. laboratory certification and individual analyst registry numbers:
AIHA PAT PCM (Phase Contrast Microscopy) - Lab #101228
(NIOSH Method 7400)
AIHA PAT PLM (Polarized Light Microscopy) - Lab #101228
(EPA 600/r-93/116 Method w/ Dispersion Staining)
Asbestos Analyst Registry PCM - Lab #101228
- Individual Analysts
Zachary Arman - #281918
Ryan Spell– AIHA-certified PLM Asbestos Professional, AIHA-certified PCM Asbestos Professional, Air Sampling Professional, Asbestos Building Inspector, Asbestos Management Planner, Lead Inspector, Lead Risk Assessor
Licensed Air Sampling Professional Certificate #7030911MOAS11117
Zachary Arman– Air Sampling Professional, Asbestos Building Inspector, Air Technician, AIHA-certified PCM Asbestos Professional Licensed Air Sampling Professional Certificate #7000100620MOAS17717
Nikki Hogan– AIHA-certified PLM Asbestos Professional, Asbestos Building Inspector, Air Technician
Tamma Hotze– Air Technician, Asbestos Supervisor
Shane Hotze– Air Technician, Asbestos Supervisor
Matthew Utt– Asbestos Building Inspector, Air Technician
Ryan Spell– Asbestos Building Inspector, Asbestos Management Planner, Lead Inspector, Lead Risk Assessor Licensed Building Inspector Certificate #100-11262
Zachary Arman– Air Sampling Professional Licensed Air Sampling Professional Certificate #100-20400
Ryan Spell– Asbestos Building Inspector
Precision Analysis, Inc. participates in the St. Louis Interlaboratory Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Program, a Round Robin program with 2 other laboratories: Environmental Health Laboratories - St. Louis County Department of Health and Asbestos Consulting Testing, Inc., There are four rounds submitted yearly consisting of 5 air samples and 3 bulk samples for analysis. Each lab analyzes the samples and the data is calculated for accuracy. Precision Analysis, Inc. has been a member of this group for 15 years with no samples deemed inaccurate or as outliers. Precision Analysis, Inc. also participates with D. Schaua & Associates in a Round Robin program twice a year.